Saturday, March 7, 2009

23 people

1) You are the best. and thats straight up real from deep down in my heart. ur there for me when i needya' tha mostest and stuffies. ur there when im crying and i need someone to talk to. when my heart is aching, when i have a bad dream, when i cant sleep, when i need to vent...i can run to you. i miss you...and we really need to hang out soon. you act like my litto brother even though you are older than me :P .

2) Sweetie pie. ur my love. heh. you were the first one to be my friend during a time of struggle for me. i miss who you use to be, and i dnt like what/ who you have become. i miss the days when we could just kick it without talking about GUYS. heh. but now its different. i still love you.

3) Ur my big brother that I never had. heh. you are also my sharky. i can count on you when i need to talk and its small kine funny how you think my sister is hot. heh. you are my niele older brother that i love, and we really need to hang . pfft.

4) Four is my favorite number, and right now you are my FAVORITE person ^.^ . i can tell you whats on my mind, and thats the truth . i've never ever been able to tell anyone else if i was mad at them and why. i think that i miss you right now. even though i saw you yesterday...well last night at 11 pm :P . hmmm you are so adorable, and i never ever ever want to lose you. i love my panda. you always put a smile on my face. when i look into your eyes and you tell me that you love me...i believe you

5) I miss who you USE TO BE too. cause you were the only person i could count on back in elementary days. ugh. i wish you would just come back to this shetty little island. just so i could tell you how much i miss you, and how sorry i am for all the shet that happened between us. you use to be my best friend, and it seems like you just tried to forget about me. and i still cry now and then, and i wish it coulda been like back in the day still yet. just come back so i can give you a big hug. I just cant let go of the matter how hard i try...

6) Sometimes I hate what you did to me. But I'll always love you for what you DO FOR ME. It's kinda funny how I can trust you so much after all the shit. even though you dont know that i know, but i do know, and i still talk to you everyday. i tell you everything and i really do think you got my back. people think im stupid for texting/calling you still yet, but i dont care. you'll be the first one that'll be knocking on a bitch's door if they hurt me.

7) Pshhh; we need to hang out soon. so get your chinky ass to your cell phone and hit me up. lMAO forealz though. we need to. lMAO. remind me of summer of 07' lMAO. hahaha and i need to see a bruttha =] .

8) I know we havent been friends for like forever, but a little over a year now, but it feels like forever. You're always there for me when i need someone to cry to. and when you need someone to tell me the truth. haha i know that i get mad at you once a month during my time, and i sorry. mkonugvy betch .

9) Hey you. I know i get mad at you sometimes, and i sorry. lOl . uhhh...i know that you irritate me constantly, but i still love you. you are really cool, but dont be too show-offy. it irks me. and dont be my tail please. i lava lava you.

10) Ehhh you! You changed me and my outlook on music. heh; but too bad you dont talk to me anymore cause youre too cool for me. *tears* ugh; i miss when we use to lay down under the basketball rim and swear like crazy. i miss when we use to hang out for the hell of hanging out cause we were that close. i love you boyie.

11) I miss you. I know you're done with us being friends, but i'm not done yet.

12) You said it, but did you really mean it? Did i really waste four months of my life on you? yeah i think i did, and i regret it. i hate you so much. but i cant let go of what happened. You helped me grow, and i think about you sometimes. heh. i wasted so much on you to get nothing. you are what reminds me taht i hate shallow fucktards. heh. if you really did then we would still. fuck it. im happy now.

13) Ugh; you're such a hoeface. hah. SKANK. lMAO. i laugh you fall flat on your ass chasin for my ex. hah. he's been with 3 girls since me and none of them was YOU. thanks for trying to accomplish taking him from me, but hunneh' he's not interested.

14) I think that we need to uhh...hang out. lOl. its been like evers and frick. hahaha. i think that you need to call me up so we can hit it at the beach. im in desperate need for a tan you freakin person.

15) I miss you sweetie. I havent seen you for lke 2 years already and i think you need to phone me up. haha. i need to hang out with you and my other shorty pie . hahaha cause i already saw her at carnival.

16) My other shorty!! lOl i love you just as much as the one i wrote to above. hunneh you are so grown up now. lOl. i miss when you were younger and not attracting them guys as much!

17) WTF. why do you act like you dont know me. we use to be helluh tight and now you act as if im invisible. heh; whatever i dont need you in my life.

18) You're a freaking flirt. thats all you are. so fuck off!

19) You're a flirt too, but not to me . lOl you're a good friend...that's what you are. even though you live in hilo.

20) Im sorry for avoiding you sometimes and rejecting your calls and all. im so sorry i love you. i think that you really do feel for me and im sorry for discouraging you. i really do think that you are great.

21) Hahaha i remember back in preschool when we would lay next to each during nap time. and everytime we use to race so that whats her face would not lay between us. hahah. kiddo you are terrific. lMAO. we should tandum.

22) lMAO. remember our hike up diamonds lMAO. then we went to grace's to buy teri fried lOl. it was so funny. lOl that was helluh long time ago. lOl. miss ya.

23) I'm sorry im not perfect. and i cant believe that you made me feel like shit. ugh. i hate you. you make me so angry. and i dont know why you had to ruin my summer. fuck you. fuck this.

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